Welcome To Footpath Photography!

The mission of Footpath Photography is to further God's kingdom by providing photography services to generate financial support for various ministries.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why "Footpath"?

Well, as one who truly enjoys hiking, I particularly enjoy the term "footpath". It suggests that we are on a journey- one which, in order to reach its destination, requires that we stay true to the path we walk on.
My journey has definitely been on a path "less traveled by". It is my desire that after having walked this life, someone may notice the footpath I have left...and it is my hope that if one were to trace my steps over the years following, they will be able to look up occasionally from the ground, see the beauty all around, and know that the road that I traveled leads to the Creator of all things beautiful- my Savior and my Lord.

(Also, "The Super Awesomest Number One Photograndiose Experience" was already taken...")
(Or wait...IS it...)

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